What Is Depression? - Rethinking What We Think We Know..


What is depression? Most doctors would say it is a chemical imbalance. Dr Kelly Brogan was forced to reconsider conventional wisdom when her thyroid disease went undiagnosed as the cause of depression. With the help of her naturopathic doctor, she learned that her thyroid dysfunction was caused by a combination of postpartum body changes, an imbalance in her gut and poor dietary choices. Dr Kelly took this experience and applied it to her patients with depression with amazing results.

Here is a new way to look at depression: it is the result of the body’s interrelated systems attempting to adapt to stressors, such as inflammation. It is a signal that the interconnected systems in the body are out of balance – from blood sugar, to gut health, to thyroid function– and inflammation is at the root. The causes of depression and related symptoms of inflammation are not being adequately treated.

I created a 30 day Detox Program to support your body to release inflammation and feel vibrant and healthy. It is a structured program to reduce inflammation by gently supporting the body’s digestion and detoxification systems. This Vitality Program is called Clear The Way. You will love it and I am holding a LIVE phone conference you can join in September.

Recent years have seen a shocking increase in antidepressant use the world over, with 1 in 4 women starting their day with medication. These drugs have steadily become the panacea for everything from grief, irritability, panic attacks, to insomnia, PMS, and stress.  But the truth is, what women really need can’t be found at a pharmacy.

According to Dr. Kelly Brogan, antidepressants not only overpromise and underdeliver, but according to Brogan , “their use may permanently disable the body’s self-healing potential“. We need a new paradigm: The best way to heal the mind is to heal the whole body.



Looking forward to supporting you with this 30 day Detox Program.

Send me an email @ lorene149@gmail.com and you will receive all the details!


Health & Happiness!

Lorene Hochstetler

*clips from Dr Karen Wolfe