Do you know how people feel with Fibromyalgia ?


Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a common condition in which a person has long-term, widespread pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues along with fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, sleep problems and multiple somatic complaints. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to headaches, numbness and tingling in various parts of the body, as well as depression, anxiety and some sexual dysfunction. It is important to rule out other conditions that can be misdiagnosed as FMS, such as hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, low vitamin D, muscle pain due to use of statin medications, anemias and psycho-somatic disorders. Since this health condition is poorly understood, the recommendations below are intended only to provide relief from some of the most common symptoms of FMS.


Supplement Recommendations

Note: For dosage information, please see the manufacturer’s recommendations and work with your doctor or health practitioner to individualize for specific needs.

Basic Supplements

  • Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement (iron-free, sometimes copper-free may be indicated)
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Vitamin D (test blood levels)
  • Essential Fatty Acids/Fish Oil
  • Liver Support Formula (Milk thistle, Lipoic acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Turmeric)
  • Melatonin
  • Calcium/Magnesium
  • Probiotics

Additional Supplements

Note: Additional Supplements may be obtained at . If an item on the website requires a password, the keyword " sanovivhealth " will allow you to access information about and purchase that item

B-Complex vitamins

Evening Primrose Oil (GLA)

Adrenotone Plus

Specific Dietary Recommendations

  • Since Fibromyalgia symptoms may be associated with food sensitivities, try the Sanoviv Elimination diet for three weeks, which eliminates and helps to identify common food allergens.
  • Rule out gluten sensitivity. Following a strict, gluten elimination diet can help determine if gluten is a problem for you.
  • Eat protein with all meals and snacks to keep blood sugar stable.
  • Strictly avoid food additives, dyes, preservatives (such as monosodium glutamate or MSG), pesticides and artificial sweeteners (sucralose/Splenda, saccharin, aspartame).
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Specific Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Get a minimum of 20-30 minutes of sunshine daily to improve vitamin D status.
  • Engage in mild aerobic exercise and gentle stretching. Tai chi and yoga are excellent choices.
  • Check for heavy metal toxicity, Candida overgrowth, infections (viral or bacterial), parasites, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, anemia and impaired adrenal function.

Specific Mind/Body Recommendations

  • Do your best to find a centered space, even in the midst of pain and discomfort. Although initially focusing and being centered might make you more aware of your discomfort, being centered can help you learn how to have a different relationship with these symptoms, so they do not seem as severe or incapacitating.
  • Please pass this on to someone who may be struggling with this!
  • I am sure they will thank you!


My personal journey with helping others, and seeing the difference these folks were doing , once we got them on this Protocol , they were doing! And I wanted to share , so others can be in a much better place!

And I am also a very advocate to stay rooted in the Word of God, and grab a relationship with your Savior ! The power of your faith does amazing things!!


You are Loved and you are Healed!

Lorene Hochstetler