I want to give a 5 minute read on my life as I remember it….
Here goes!
Did you grab your favorite drink, to sip as you read?
I’ll give you a minute…
okay- I was actually born and raised in an “Old Order Amish’ family, which is an adventure , all on its own. Living in prosperous America, we lived a very plain, humble, simple life, with no electricity, phones, cars, or any convenances of sort. Just the basics and far from what everyone else was enjoying! (or so it seemed to me)
Imagine with me a horse and carriage in the late 1950’s.
When i was born, there were 5 older siblings to welcome me, and later there were 10 of us altogether. My Mom had her hands full, keeping us all in good health and vibrant. And She did an outstanding balance in training us to be great children and adults.
I was blessed with great health and loved being outdoors in Nature! Thankfully, we were fans of “Hocking Hills” and “Old Man’s Cave” and visited it numerous times.
I do not have a lot of pictures of us, because we were discouraged to take any pictures, as it was not practiced in the “Amish” lifestyle.. but here is one, with myself circled, for you to see..
We lived on farm and had plenty of ‘chores’ and activities to keep us entertained and busy. Playing was always an after ‘all the work’ is completed. thing. My favorite play was with one of the farm cats , pretending she was my doll. it purred and squirmed, letting me know she enjoyed it as well.
Fast forward to my teenage yrs, when my parents decided to switch from ‘Old Order Amish’ to the next level of a very similar religion, which we will call “Level 2”. Still very programmed, but allowing us to have modern conveniences. The joy of owning our own vehicles, electric, phones, etc was heavenly.
Our outlook in life took on an entire New Meaning! We felt like Normal people and were impressed to ‘fit in’ with all the people around us!
*one thing that stands out in my memories is the many “Homemade Games” we did play with our large family, and still to this day, we play some of those games. I’ll tell you more about them later…
To keep this to a 5 minute read, I have to cut to the chase, as they say; and get to the point.
Have I lost you already?
One thing I experienced in my Adult life is “Health challenges” that was so disheartening and trying to me both physically and mentally. (Read my story on this page elsewhere- on my harsh experience with medication) and I am proud to say that I did survive, when I absolutely thought I wasn’t going to..
Definitely a humbling journey. I do relish the love and endurance my family gave to me during this experience. I will never take anyone for granted.
Let’s dive into my love for ‘teaching” as a teenager…
So, right after I graduated from 8th Grade Parochial School , I volunteered to be the teacher’s assistant, and helped with particular subjects, as well as crafts, etc. It was life-giving and I enjoyed every minute of it. Later I actually did teach all 8 Grades in the Parochial School, when I was old enough.
and add to this, I home-schooled all of our own children, but that is getting ahead of my story. I have to get married first. Right?
and here is one more picture for you to enjoy.. with a frame around myself.
Nothing stopped me from seeking, asking questions, and discovering everything I possibly could. And that inquiring mind has assisted me perfect in my adult life. When you seek, you find, and when you ask, you receive answers.
I will never quit learning and discovering…because it serves me perfectly.
And as for where I am at today… I am grateful for every step of the way in my life! It has been the most inspiring journey and full of mysteries and fond memories and no, I would not want to live my life over again! Would you?!
I have experienced deaths in my family and both of my parents are no longer here on this planet earth. They were so good for all of us and I treasure their impact they instilled in all of us.
Mom n Dad in this picture
I still feel their presence today in my consciousness. They were not perfect, but they sure did their best!
The biggest struggle I witnessed from them both, is when they ‘buried’ some of their own children. They were baffled, thinking they will pass long before any of their own children.
This is getting too long… and I don’t want lose you in the extended details. How about I add to the story and get to the point on why I wanted to write this in the first place?
So long for now… hang with me, I will be back with the best part.
Lorene Hochstetler :)