Break Out! 5 Steps to break out of Your Barrior

You were not created to just get by with an average, unrewarding, or unfulfilling life. God created you to leave your mark on this generation. You have gifts and talents that you have not tapped into. There are new levels of your destiny still in front of you. 

Break out starts in your thinking. As you put these keys into action, making room for increase, expecting shifts of God's favor, praying bold prayers, and keeping the right perspective, then God will release floods of His goodness that will thrust you beyond barriers of the past into the extraordinary life you were designed to live!"

clips from Joel Osteen


This is a different blog than you are used to receiving from my desk.

I just felt it is an okay time to also address the thought pattern that happens in our lives.

Lots of things go on, and happen in our daily routine, simply because of the level of what we think about.

yes, thoughts become things..


Miracles still happen today.. and you have permission to experience them, just like everyone else!

*Most times our health shifts to greatness, simply by "seeing" ourselves whole and completely healed, just as God created us!

The 5 Keys are in

1. Believing Bigger; Expect Blessings

2. Consider God, not Circumstances; Unshakable Faith- not what I see, but what I KNOW!

3. Pray God size prayers; Pray God's Word; changes the atmosphere more quickly!

4. Keep the Right Perspective: Stay engaged with the Promise! God has got you!

5. Don't settle for Good Enough; Develop your Pearl. The Action with your Faith is POWER

I want to add alot more, but I will let you write out what you want, where you are going to get the Promise on your request, and chase after it, with the Holy Spirit being your own personal Life Coach!

It is a very fascinating endeavor!

God is on your side!

Celebrating you!

Lorene Hochstetler