Say NO to Prescriptions


I've made a personal decision to avoid medication whenever possible. It all started when I was prescribed a benzodiazepine for anxiety. I admit, I didn't do my homework—who reads the fine print, right? At first, it made a difference, but after a year, it stopped working, and by then, I had become dependent on it. I knew I needed to stop and asked my doctor for help. To my surprise, they simply advised me to quit cold turkey. What I wasn’t prepared for was the intense withdrawal that came with it—let’s just say, it felt like it almost ended my life.

As someone who loves being outgoing and social, I was forced to give up everything—activities, socializing—and just focus on healing. I understand that some people may have thought I was being overly dramatic, but if you’ve never gone through such a painful withdrawal, it’s hard to understand. My family and friends did their best to support me, and I am so grateful for them.

Ultimately, though, it was up to me to heal. Thankfully, I did. Today, I’m beyond grateful that I made it through this crisis.

And now, do you see why I’m cautious about medication?