Have you ever wondered why Naaman Dipped 7 times?

let's explore the power and purpose in Doing the 7 Dips in the "Jordan River"..

King Naaman was asked to be obedient in "Dipping" in the Jordan River 7 times.

And he did.. but first he had several comments on letting the Leaders know what he thinks about this assignment, as well as give his suggestion.

Let's start in 2 Kings 5;10 in the Old Testament in the Bible. "And Elisha sent a Messenger to King Naaman saying, "Go wash in the Jordan seven times... and thou shalt be clean".

The Voice translation: "Wash yourself in the Jordan River seven times. The waters will heal you, and your skin will be back to normal. you will be cleansed."

But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come to me, and stand, and call upon the name of the Lord His God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper. Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them and be clean?"

Damascus means 'earthly power' at its greatest- the power that is engendered by the hot, red flames of burning fire, and by the powerful flow of rich, red blood. "Damascus steel" symbolizes the finest earth-made weapon known to man. Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus symbolizes the soul absorbed in material things. Saul's "turning about" or conversion was the revelation to him that there was a power from heaven greater than this power which he was seeking on earth.

Abana & Phapar, together, represent the highest manifestation of this human power that comes out of the unaided efforts of man. Abana means human stability, or knowledge at its greatest; Phapar means human agility, or skills at its finest. Together they represent the highest efficiency known to man. What more can one ask than strength combined with agility, science with art, knowledge with skill? If Naaman lived today he would probably reply to modern Elisha, "Why bother to pray when we have at our service marvelously efficient surgeons and hospital staffs, combining all the sound, substantial scientific knowledge of all ages with the most perfect skills that the human hand is capable of?"

Israel, in direct contrast with Damascus, means "prevailing with the help of the Lord" The Jordan means an 'eternal rhythm or constant pounding" and to bathe in the river Jordan flowing through the land of Israel is to submit oneself to the eternal rhythms of the power that is continually flowing out from the heart of God!

Now, taking all of these hidden implications, "to bathe seven times in the river Jordan" means simply to immerse ourselves in the cleansing, healing power of God's love and to put ourselves completely in tune with the rhythms of its flow.

Consider with me the seven immersions in the Jordan River and how they apply to our need for healthier living today..

1st Immersion:  Washing the outer Skin. Yes, take a Bath! Every day! Brush your teeth for more than 1 minute! Wash your hands.. a little more often!(especially before you eat) Doctors wash their hands for 7 minutes. Take note..


2nd Immersion: Washing the Inner Skin. Washing the kidneys & Digestive Tract, with plenty of "Pure Water" ! it is one of the quickest ways to keep well, and to recover when you are sick. Drink 2 glasses of room temperature water upon rising in the morning, and by 10 a.m. do 2 more, and follow this pattern in the afternoon. Your kidneys will thank you!

3rd Immersion: Cleansing the Blood Vessels. This cleansing is not by washing, bathing, or drinking water; but with blood. Exercise, especially stretching, rhythmical exercise that relaxes every muscle of the body is particularly important here. 5 to 10 minutes of stretching, and 2 miles of fresh air "on the hoof" will send the blood on its joyous mission to give this necessary cleansing of the muscle.

4th Immersion: Cleansing the Lungs. An hour of fresh air every day is of infinite value in the cleansing process. Especially to do this barefoot on the grass. And when you are outside, take deep cleansing breaths and release from your lower lungs, counting to four when you are holding in the deep lung breaths. We form a habit by doing this for 7 days, and will continue doing it every day! You will become stronger doing just this.

5th Immersion: Washing the Emotions. The infection in the soul is much more dangerous than the infection in the body! Just as blood when washed & cleansed with the life giving element of water and sunlight brings health to every part of the body, and when sluggish and infected, brings dis-ease, so the emotions, when cleansed and in proper circulation, brings health to the body.

We learn how to scrub our emotions by choosing to rid of the thoughts that do not serve us. When our emotions get dusty they become covetousness, when muddy it becomes greed, when rusty it becomes miserliness. Take acquisitiveness to switch these to foresight, happiness, and charity.

An emotion one may have is for inspiration. to 'step outside oneself"in a power greater than oneself. When properly 'cleansed' , it is the stuff that saints and prophets are made of. Crave for the Holy Spirit and a drunkard will change into a prophet and seer!

Healing of the emotions is transformed by the "renewing of our Mind, with the Word of God"

6th Immersion: Washing the Mind. An active, balanced and disciplined mind is one of the greatest sources of health a person can have. persons of low mentality but of giant physique do not live as long nor keep as well as men of frailer stature, who have well-cultivated minds. 

You stay healthier by 'thinking' Health! "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"

We can best approach this subject by addressing how we occupy our minds with our responsibilities, our play, and our hobbies.

Do whatever it takes to "Be Happy" in all of these vocations. Even if it means leaving your job that you hate.. to do/be what makes you be a happier, healthier person. Keep your mind sun-kissed with love & happiness. it is to great health!

take time to do hobbies and games.. as well as good books, and lots and lots of laughter.

7th Immersion: Washing the Soul. The Soul is so Inclusive. It incorporates the mind, the heart, and the entire being, but in a very peculiar and particular way, for the soul is the point at which one's entire being contacts the Infinite. Your infinite self in relation to which your little three dimensional, conscious Self is but the outer, visible expression, is always well, always sound, always perfect. The trouble is, you do not "live there" enough. Tell me where you live and I will tell you what you are. 

As you live in high and exalted contact with the Creator, and are aware of your 'sonship' with your Daddy Jesus, and you have a sense of your corporate relationship to your family and friends, than you are giving wholesome circulation to the finest part of your being, and the blood, nerves, and organs of your body will manifest the wholeness and harmony experienced in your soul.

Whereas, on the opposite side of this, and you are living in a house of'hate, or lonely, or nagging, you surround yourself with the poisons of infections and epidemics!

to achieve the cleansed soul is to achieve peace and harmony with oneself and God, your Creator. he is the One who designed you,made you, and formed you in your Mother's womb. He is the One who made a way for you to escape all that is not Health and Wholeness.

Wholeness is the modern, scientific way of spelling "Holiness" . To give oneself wholly to God and to practice daily the Presence of God is the only sure way to achieve the holiness. Which in God's term, the only way to permanent, undeviating health! 

The Bible is your guide to sustaining you in all your ways! He gives you your Soul's desire..

"Thy faith hath made thee whole"

to be continued..

His Daughter,

Lorene Hochstetler