Pursue the Gift of Perfect Health

What? I can actually have perfect health?! Immediately you think.. I am sure that means that I have to eat PERFECT, Exercise PERFECT, think PERFECT..

First, it is none of the above! However, it is.. POSSIBLE!

Let's have a conversation on what we can do to pursue this in magical ways..

ways that we can experience this, without going through hours and hours of re arranging our lives...

Start out with being aware that health starts with "LOVE"..

Love the spirit of health, which is wholeness. Behind wholeness is holiness. In order to have a healthy body is to love the body that God made you in all its purity, holiness, and spirituality.

It is called the "Matrix of Health". Your body is Beautiful, because God is Beautiful. Your Body is Love, because God is LOVE! We are the most wonderfully articulate being God has ever made!

The joy in dancing, skating, swim, and use our bodies rhythmically and joyously, for the glory of God and the happiness of man. We want to love our body in a spiritual way, not pagan. Always see your body as an expression of the Spirit of God. Our bodies are merely receiving sets for manifesting the messages of perfect love, truth, and joy of God through our channels of consciousness. Continually see your self as an expression of God.

Next you want to love the whole of the human body. The body is not only a receiving set for the catching of messages from the Broadcasting Station of God. It is a little micrcosm of which the universe itself is the great macrcosm. In other words, the human body is the little outer expression in external, concrete, tangible form, of the inner, invisible, intangible qualities of God. Every organ of the body has a spiritual counterpart in the great soul of God.

The heart is a spiritual manifestation of the spirit of LOVE.

The Blood flowing through the veins and arteries is the Spirit of JOY.

Our lungs represent the inbreathing and outbreathing of the Spirit of LIFE.

The secretions of the Liver represent the Spirit of TRUTH.

The action of the Stomach symbolizes the receiving and the assimilating of the Spirit of of Harmony and POWER.

Notice how quickly jealousy, anger, and fear can poison and prejudice your viewpoint of TRUTH, and then notice how quickly they slow up and interfere with the actual digestive organs of your physical body as well.

When you begin to see your whole body, and love it, you will be amazed. Every organ, every nerve, every artery, has an intergral part in the health of your whole system, but the body of your thoughts and emotions- your fear and faith, your jealousy and joy, your prejudice and pride, your laughter and love- all manifest sooner or later in the health states of your body. To love all your body means that you love all of the body of God. To do otherwise is to sin against the Holy Spirit.

The secret is in Loving ALL of you. When a heart is weak, one wants to love more, when there is a weak digestion, one wants to understand more, and to help a weak circulatory system, one wants to express more joy.

Along with this.. are you willing to celebrate your body, by refusing to put things in your body that could destroy them? Such as things that poison it with toxins, and unnecessary sugars? Do you exercise? Taking those "two miles on the hoof" every morning? Getting adaquate rest periods, part of which time is communion with God? In part, do you love your body to the extent that you are willing to make wise decisions to keep it both whole and holy?

One cannot heal as long as he/she hangs on to fear, worry, or anger.

The 2 greatest healing forces are LOVE & JOY!

And last of all; one wants to serve others lovingly and joyfully, and in this one sees the healthiest happiest person!

I release bushels of God's Love all over you, and let it splash on to all you minister to this week!

Joy & Laughter!

Lorene Hochstetler