The Gift to Be Simple

Be Simple: ‘Tis a Gift! And, Do you have a “Plan Be”?

December 28, 2016

This past year as I listened to clients, friends and family I noticed some common themes throughout the conversations. To avoid becoming a Debbie Downer, I began humming a powerful little song I learned while in elementary school. “‘Tis the gift to be simple, ‘Tis the gift to be free…”

You see, the most prevalent common themes of those dialogues were, “I’m overwhelmed, I’m exhausted, I’m financially and/or mentally stressed.” Frankly, it’s too much for so many to bear.

I continue humming as the melody’s lyrics play in my mind. “‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be…” And I begin to question what for. When did our beautiful lives become so stinkin’ complicated?

Why the over-scheduling and under-resting? Why the over-working, and under-playing? Is it worth taking a toll on our well-being, and foregoing what matters most?

The lyrics stream on in my consciousness.

“And when we find ourselves
in the place just right
‘Twill be in the valley
of love and delight.”

Where is this valley of love and delight?



Do you yearn and burn? Let me explain. Do you yearn for something slower-paced, and more meaningful in richness? Do you yearn to be present with those you love more often? Do you burn with passion to pursue a project but somehow circumstances circumvent your vision?

Well it’s time we get our roar on! Rawwwrrrr!



It’s time to reclaim our peace of mind and get on our merry way.

As the sincere lyrics echo in my squirrel cage, I’m not singing loud and proud. “‘Tis the gift to be simple”. YES! A resounding, thundering, boisterous YES! May we BE simple. May we BE free.

“Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be.” Inhale. Breath of fresh air. Sweet humility! It’s past time that we step off the “climb every mountain” bandwagon, and summit the one mountain which views satisfy our soul.

Hope you don’t mind me tossing out some ideas on how we can back out of overwhelm, exhaustion and financial and mental stress. Disclaimer: I don’t have all the answers. What I do know is this. It’s possible to create a better life. The secret isn’t so much about doing more or having more. It’s truly about being– pure and simple.

Allow me to indulge. We need to let go of superfluous stuff padding our agendas; as well as the clutter demanding too much mental or physical space. We need to let go of the idea that we will be better because we are performing. Hogwash! We’re better when we’re actually being fully present with another human.This is where the best breakthroughs, business and relationships happen in human interaction. Period.

Heads up! Soon you’ll be hit with a multitude of motivational messages advising you to get off your butt and make things happen. I’m here to tell that before you traipse off to “slay it”, first ask yourself who do I want to become? Then, my friend, you really will slay it, own it, do it, be it.

Let’s not be driven to react to a long list of things to do, or jam-packed schedules. Instead let’s hit the pause button and ask, “Who do I want to BE in order to create a more simple and free life, for myself, and those dearest to me?” Let’s rise above the noise. Let’s lead ourselves powerfully. We’ll divinely know when to let go of projects, ideas, and routines that exhaust us rather than replenish us.

It’s always first things first.

We get to decide what really matters. Let’s be wise. Others will always have their own agendas for us. It’s our responsibility to make sure that the agenda we follow is our God-given life purpose. If not, we’ll feel a gnawing lack of fulfillment– and it won’t be pretty!

The “be simple challenge”

Identify and write down possible causes that evoke overwhelm, exhaustion, and financial and mental stress. Did you do it? I promise that writing it down can help bring awareness. Once we’re aware of what’s eating our lunch we can better address it with our “Plan Be.”

Perhaps you’ve concluded that you’re taking on too much? Professional plate spinner is not a title you want on your resume. Me neither. Maybe you realize you need to dedicate time to rest or rejuvenate in play in order to fan the flames of intentional living. Or perhaps you’ve discovered subscribing to eighty-five newsletters is outrageous for any enlightened human being no matter how fast a reader you are.

Whatever you discern, know this– I’m rooting for you. I’m against today’s cultural norm of overwhelm. I say give peace a chance! Adios exhaustion, self-care and the permission to unwind and be kind is granted. Societal status quo of financial and mental stress, good riddance! I vote for acting like the abundant and worthy beings we already are.



Here’s to ditching long to-do lists and burning the candle at both ends. It’s time to conduct our life and business the way we desire to be. This then, is the true gift to be simple and free.

Go ahead, Chime In!

Share with us in the the comments below. Pinpoint any possible causes creating overwhelm, exhaustion or stress in your life?  Who do you want to be in order to enjoy a more simple and free life?

Simply, Paige Hunter

shared by Lorene