This is Unity Consciousness.

Is Oneness a hard concept for you to embody?

Then keep reading…

The idea that “we are all One” can be difficult for the mind to grasp.

Sometimes, it can feel like we’re deeply entrenched in a third-density consciousness, where the belief in separation dominates our experience—we see, feel, and live as if everything and everyone is separate from us. Moving from this state to an awareness of Oneness in fourth-density consciousness can seem like an enormous chasm to cross. 

But there’s a simple understanding that has become, for me, the most powerful bridge to that awareness: 

Recognizing that "All things exist in relationship." 

When we start viewing everything around us as connected, we allow the idea of Oneness to become embodied. 

Let’s sit with this concept together.

You are here on this planet because… two people connected through a physical relationship, resulting in your birth. If we trace this back, we see that this connection has continued generation after generation, revealing an intricate web of relationships. 

Now, let’s go even deeper: humans are made up of elements like 3% nitrogen, 10% hydrogen, 65% oxygen, and 18% carbon. But where did these elements come from? They originated from the stars, forged in the heart of exploding supernovae, and eventually became part of the sun, the earth, and all life here.

In fact, our bodies and every molecule in them are in constant symbiotic relationships with the environment

The oxygen we breathe is cycled through plants and the atmosphere, while the water in our bodies circulates through rivers, oceans, and clouds before returning to us as rain. 

Even the food we eat is the product of sunlight, soil nutrients, and plant growth, woven into a relationship with every other organism. 

Each element within us is connected to cosmic processes, biological cycles, and countless relationships that sustain life across the planet.

In this way, we see that all things exist in relationship. 

Nothing can exist in a vacuum.

Every breath, every meal, every interaction is a reminder that we are not separate, but part of an interconnected web, tied to the earth, the cosmos, and one another.

This is Unity Consciousness.

~ Aaron Abke