What Happens When You Don't Embrace Love?

"Being in love creates a positive chemical reaction that causes you to be physically healthier. A lack of love and affirmation can literally make you sick."

This leads me to wonder if perhaps many of us who are chronically sick would be helped if we learned how to receive God's love and to love ourselves.

Ask yourself, Do I love myself? If your answer is no, then it is time to give yourself permission to fall in love with yourself! Your entire being is dependent on you to love yourself. You are worthy of being loved! Turn all the negative thoughts into beautiful words. 

Doing this will increase your body's innate self-healing ability.

Grab a paper and pencil and write all the things you love about yourself. And read them out loud. Dig deep for them. They are there.

Now you are taking charge of your thoughts and giving yourself permission to be whole again.

Toxic thoughts are thoughts that trigger negative  and anxious emotions, which produce biochemicals, that cause the body stress. They are stored in your mind as well as in the cells in your body. says Dr Caroline Leaf.

Take captive these thoughts to renewed life and you will see fantastic results.!

It is my own personal story! I was overwhelmed with self hate and unworthiness. I could never do enough good, and hence, all my physical ailments. When I started falling in love with myself, and embracing God loves me, the journey to complete wholeness changed.

How your mind effects your health..

Did you know your mind can talk you into being fat?

Yes, your mind is that powerful!

Jon Gabriel, respected nutritionist, says, that in order to really release weight you have to overcome the lies you believe about yourself. Weight loss is easy and effortless when you get your body to want to be thin. Just get to the root of the dysfunctional beliefs that are getting in the way.


Are there lies you believe that are keeping you from a free healthy life?

If your answer is yes, simply identify the lie(s) and declare Truth into those lies. Replacement.

You are worthy to be loved!

This gives you an entirely new way of relating to your NEW you!

It is just so simple..

Its in..


Job 22:28 "You will also decree a thing and it will be established for you: and light will shine on your way."

You are doing an "about-face" advancement by loving yourself, and decreeing it!

remember "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" Proverbs 18:21

"Declarations are a main building material to frame the 'house' of our destiny!" 

Say who you are Boldly and Bravely! 

Watch the change of events of your health change dramatically!

I am closing with the best part..


yep, Laughter heals! *It is the "BEST" Medicine!

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart brings good healing"

Hang around people that laugh, watch funny movies that just crack you up! Lighten up! Let it go! 

Children laugh 300 times in the same time frame that adults laugh 4 times.


Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your energy, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. 

Laughter also relaxes the whole body, triggers the release of endorphin's, and protects the heart! 


A highly recommended book; Let's Just Laugh at That" by Steve Backlund

I hope I gave you a turning point tip today. I want to see you healthy and free!

"Beloved, I pray you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers"

3 John 1:2

Cheers to Complete Wholeness!

Lorene Hochstetler