Mental Attitude to Great Health

Happiness in great Health all starts in a Good Mental Attitude!

Infact, a good mental attitude changes EVERYTHING!

The power of God lies in you!

We are the ones that limit His expression, all by our attitude!

The secret is: Proverbs 23:7 "A thought preceeds a deed"

Love is a natural Human response, providing we choose to Love!

Anger and fear are often the on set of all major Health issues, and concerns.
So, LOVE will be our first response, to wash out all the poisons of fear and anger.

Receiving from others, is to first receive from my own self. Right?

Give Love to get Love in Return. Right?

Be nice to yourself to receive nice from others.

Your attitude of who you are and the value of yourself, is the attitude you often will have of others.

When your attitude of Love will make you :





Fear disappears

Easy to overlook manners in others

Easy to Forgive

Not suspicious

"Small" people treat you badly, because they haven't grown up yet. They bask in their 'unhealthy' attitudes..

You are no longer limited by them, because you are redeemed to own your identity in who you are in Love with!

Proverbs 23: 7 "For as I think in my heart, so I am!"


Thoughts do become things!

"Today you express your thoughts by your deeds"


Go, now in think thoughts that are pure, right, good, kind, and free

We are a Redeemed People!

to Health & happiness..


Lorene Hochstetler