Thank You!

The purpose of this letter is for one reason alone. I'm not including any link for you to read a blog post, nor am I referencing anything to do with business. My hearts desire is simple. I want you to place top priority on yourself this month, will ya? :)


December tends to be a super busy month, and for some it's incredibly stressful.


During the hustle and bustle of the season, take some invaluable time for yourself. Ask yourself the following questions:


Hey Friend, what do you need?

What would make me feel alive today?

What can I do to nourish my heart and soul?

How can I fill my tank up?

Hey my friend, will you stop to appreciate yourself just as much as you do those you care about?


I challenge you to take daily, non-negotiable time out for a little self-care. It's not selfish. It's wise to fill up our cups, especially during fast and furious times.


Take time for you the wonderful human being you are, my friend.


Do something that lights you up!  Spend a little time on life's simple pleasures that bring you joy, cause you to laugh or simply exhale.


Warm wishes for a wonderful Winter...and a BIG THANK YOU for taking care of YOU!

Because I care,

Lorene Hochstetler